The EFQM, a not-for-profit membership foundation, is the primary source for organisations in Europe looking to excel in their market and in their business.

Founded in 1989 by the CEOs of prominent European businesses, EFQM is now the hub of excellent globally minded organisations of all sizes and sectors, and both private and public.


The EFQM defines Excellence as the outstanding practice in managing the organisation and achieving results. Truly Excellent organisations are those that strive to satisfy their stakeholders by what they achieve, how they achieve it, what they are likely to achieve and the confidence they have that the results will be sustained in the future.

Being Excellent requires total leadership commitment and acceptance of the Fundamental Concepts, a set of principles on which the organisation bases its behaviours, activities and initiatives. When the organisation turns them into practice it opens the access to Sustainable Excellence.

To create confidence that the results can be sustained, there must also be evidence what the organisation does and how it does it, is soundly based, systematic and continuously reviewed and improved.

To help guide an organisation to improve its performance, EFQM created the EFQM Excellence Model. This Model, which is the application of the Fundamental Concepts reflected in a structured management system, is now being used by thousands of organisations across Europe and beyond. Companies, schools, healthcare organisations, police services, utilities and government offices all use it. The Model additionally provides these organisations with a common management language and tool, thus facilitating the sharing of 'good practice' accross different sectors.

T L Consulting Limited has an Accredited EFQM Assessor who can train your Company to carry out your business based on the principles of the EFQM Excellence Model. T L Consulting Ltd teams up with other consultants in the UK to carry out "Health Checks" on your Company to provide an Improvement Plan based on the EFQM Model which is used by over 20,000 Organisations in Europe.

If you are interested in obtaining further information please contact :


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